++ id -u
+ '[' 0 '!=' 0 ']'
+ which tcpdump
+ expected_tos=0x00
+ expected_ttl=0
+ failed=false
+ printf ┌────────┬───────┬───────┬──────────────┬
┌────────┬───────┬───────┬──────────────┬+ printf '──────────────┬───────┬────────┐\n'
+ for type in gre vxlan geneve
++ modprobe gre
+ for outer in 4 6
+ printf ├────────┼───────┼───────┼──────────────┼
├────────┼───────┼───────┼──────────────┼+ printf '──────────────┼───────┼────────┤\n'
+ printf '│  Type  │ outer | inner │     tos      │'
│  Type  │ outer | inner │     tos      │+ printf '      ttl     │  vlan │ result │\n'
      ttl     │  vlan │ result │
+ for inner in 4 6 other
+ printf ├────────┼───────┼───────┼──────────────┼
├────────┼───────┼───────┼──────────────┼+ printf '──────────────┼───────┼────────┤\n'
+ for tos_ttl in inherit random
+ for vlan in false true
+ setup gre 4 4 inherit false
+ local type=gre
+ local outer=4
+ local inner=4
+ local tos_ttl=inherit
+ local vlan=false
+ local test_tos=0x00
+ local test_ttl=0
+ local 'ns=ip netns exec testing'
++ get_random_tos
+++ tr -dc 0-9a-f
+++ head -c 1
+++ tr -dc 048c
+++ head -c 1
++ echo 0x98
+ expected_tos=0x98
+ '[' 0x98 = 0x00 ']'
+ '[' inherit = random ']'
+ '[' inherit = inherit ']'
+ test_tos=inherit
+ tos='inherit 0x98'
++ get_random_ttl
+++ tr -dc 0-9a-f
+++ head -c 2
++ printf %d 0xa6
+ expected_ttl=166
+ '[' 166 = 64 ']'
+ '[' 166 = 0 ']'
+ '[' inherit = random ']'
+ '[' inherit = inherit ']'
+ test_ttl=inherit
+ ttl='inherit 166'
+ printf '│%7s │%6s │%6s │%13s │%13s │%6s │' gre 4 4 'inherit 0x98' 'inherit 166' false
│    gre │     4 │     4 │ inherit 0x98 │  inherit 166 │ false │+ ip netns add testing
Cannot create namespace file "/var/run/netns/testing": File exists
+ ip link add type veth
+ ip link set veth1 netns testing
RTNETLINK answers: File exists
+ ip link set veth0 up
+ ip netns exec testing ip link set veth1 up
+ ip addr flush dev veth0
+ ip netns exec testing ip addr flush dev veth1
+ local local_addr1=
+ local local_addr2=
+ '[' gre = gre ']'
+ '[' 4 = 4 ']'
+ local_addr1='local'
+ local_addr2='local'
+ local vxlan=
+ '[' gre = vxlan ']'
+ local geneve=
+ '[' gre = geneve ']'
+ '[' 4 = 4 ']'
+ '[' gre = gre ']'
+ type=gretap
+ ip addr add dev veth0
+ ip netns exec testing ip addr add dev veth1
+ ip link add name tep0 type gretap local remote tos inherit ttl inherit
RTNETLINK answers: File exists
+ ip netns exec testing ip link add name tep1 type gretap local remote tos inherit ttl inherit
RTNETLINK answers: File exists
+ ip link set tep0 up
+ ip netns exec testing ip link set tep1 up
+ ip addr flush dev tep0
+ ip netns exec testing ip addr flush dev tep1
+ local parent
+ false
+ parent=tep
+ '[' 4 = 4 ']'
+ ip addr add brd + dev tep0
+ ip netns exec testing ip addr add brd + dev tep1
+ verify 4 4 inherit false
+ local outer=4
+ local inner=4
+ local tos_ttl=inherit
+ local vlan=false
+ local ping_pid out captured_tos captured_ttl result
+ local ping_dst
+ '[' 4 = 4 ']'
+ ping_dst=
+ '[' inherit = inherit ']'
+ ping_pid=353289
+ local tunnel_type_offset tunnel_type_proto req_proto_offset req_offset
+ '[' gre = gre ']'
+ tunnel_type_proto=0x2f
+ '[' 4 = 4 ']'
+ tunnel_type_offset=9
+ '[' 4 = 4 ']'
+ req_proto_offset=47
+ ping -i 0.1 -Q 0x98 -t 166
+ req_offset=58
+ '[' gre = vxlan ']'
+ '[' gre = geneve ']'
+ false
++ tcpdump --immediate-mode -p -c 1 -v -i veth0 -n 'ip[9]' = 0x2f and 'ip[47]' = 0x01 and 'ip[58]' = 0x08
++ head -n 1